
Remote Instructional Design Jobs Listing

The Benefits Of Remote Instructional Design Jobs

The world of work has changed dramatically in recent years, with remote work becoming increasingly common across many industries. Remote Instructional Design Jobs is no exception, with many professionals choosing to work remotely. Remote instructional design jobs offer many benefits that are worth considering.


One of the biggest benefits of remote instructional design jobs is the flexibility they offer. With no commute or set office hours, remote workers have greater control over their schedules. This can be particularly valuable for those with family or other commitments, as it allows them to better balance work and personal life.

Increased Focus

Remote workers often report increased productivity and focus compared to those who work in an office. This is because they are able to create an environment that is conducive to their work style, without the distractions and interruptions that can come with office work.

Lower Costs

Remote workers can save a significant amount of money compared to those who work in an office. They don’t have to pay for transportation, parking, or expensive lunches out. Additionally, they may be able to save on childcare costs if they have young children at home.

Access to a Global Talent Pool

Remote instructional design jobs allow companies to hire from a global talent pool, rather than being limited to local candidates. This means that companies can find the best candidates for the job, regardless of where they are located.

Increased Job Opportunities

Remote work has opened up a whole new world of job opportunities for instructional designers. With the ability to work from anywhere, instructional designers can find work with companies across the country or even around the world.

Table: Benefits of Remote Instructional Design Jobs

Benefit Description
Flexibility Remote workers have greater control over their schedules.
Increased Focus Remote workers often report increased productivity and focus.
Lower Costs Remote workers can save money on transportation, parking, and meals.
Access to a Global Talent Pool Companies can hire from a global talent pool.
Increased Job Opportunities Remote work opens up new job opportunities.

In conclusion, remote instructional design jobs offer many benefits that are worth considering. From increased flexibility and focus to lower costs and access to a global talent pool, remote work can be a great option for instructional designers looking for a more flexible and rewarding career.

How To Land A Remote Instructional Design Job

With the rise of remote work, many instructional designers are looking for opportunities to work from home. However, finding a remote instructional design job can be challenging. In this article, we will provide you with tips on how to land a remote instructional design job.

1. Build a Strong Portfolio
One of the most important things you can do to land a remote instructional design job is to build a strong portfolio. Your portfolio should showcase your skills and experience in instructional design. It should include samples of your work, such as course designs, e-learning modules, and assessments. Make sure your portfolio is visually appealing and easy to navigate.

What to Include in Your Portfolio What to Avoid in Your Portfolio
  • Course designs
  • E-learning modules
  • Assessments
  • Visual aids
  • Outdated work samples
  • Irrelevant work samples
  • Poorly designed portfolio
  • Grammatical errors

2. Network with Other Instructional Designers
Networking is essential when looking for a remote instructional design job. Join online communities and attend virtual events to connect with other instructional designers. You can also reach out to instructional design companies and professionals on LinkedIn. Networking can help you learn about job opportunities and get referrals.

3. Stay Up-to-Date with Industry Trends
As an instructional designer, it is essential to stay up-to-date with industry trends and advancements. Read industry blogs, attend webinars, and take online courses to keep your skills and knowledge current. Staying informed about industry trends will help you stand out from other candidates and demonstrate your expertise to potential employers.

4. Customize Your Resume and Cover Letter
When applying for a remote instructional design job, make sure to customize your resume and cover letter for each position. Highlight your relevant experience and skills, and explain how they align with the job requirements. Use keywords from the job description to make your application stand out.

5. Be Prepared for Virtual Interviews
Remote interviews are becoming more common in the job search process. Be prepared for virtual interviews by testing your equipment, dressing professionally, and practicing your responses to common interview questions. Make sure you have a quiet and distraction-free environment for your interview.

In conclusion, landing a remote instructional design job requires building a strong portfolio, networking with other professionals, staying up-to-date with industry trends, customizing your application materials, and being prepared for virtual interviews. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of landing your dream remote instructional design job.

The Top Companies Offering Remote Instructional Design Positions

Remote Instructional Design Jobs is an essential aspect of modern education and training. It involves designing, developing, and delivering effective learning experiences to meet the needs of learners. With the rise of remote work, many companies now offer remote instructional design positions. This article highlights the top companies offering remote instructional design positions in English language.

1. Amazon
Amazon is a multinational technology company that offers a wide range of products and services. The company also offers remote instructional design positions for individuals with experience in designing and developing learning experiences. Amazon’s instructional designers work on a variety of projects, including e-learning courses, training programs, and other educational content.

2. Pearson
Pearson is a leading education company that provides educational products and services to learners of all ages. The company offers remote instructional design positions for individuals with experience in designing and developing educational content. Pearson’s instructional designers work on a variety of projects, including textbooks, online courses, and other educational materials.

3. Udemy
Udemy is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses on various subjects. The company also offers remote instructional design positions for individuals with experience in designing and developing online courses. Udemy’s instructional designers work on a variety of projects, including course development, course updates, and other educational content.

4. Coursera
Coursera is an online learning platform that provides access to courses from top universities and organizations around the world. The company also offers remote instructional design positions for individuals with experience in designing and developing online courses. Coursera’s instructional designers work on a variety of projects, including course development, course updates, and other educational content.

5. LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform that provides access to courses on various subjects. The company also offers remote instructional design positions for individuals with experience in designing and developing online courses. LinkedIn Learning’s instructional designers work on a variety of projects, including course development, course updates, and other educational content.

Company Position
Amazon Remote Instructional Designer
Pearson Remote Instructional Designer
Udemy Remote Instructional Designer
Coursera Remote Instructional Designer
LinkedIn Learning Remote Instructional Designer

In conclusion, remote instructional design positions are becoming increasingly popular in today’s work environment. Companies such as Amazon, Pearson, Udemy, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning are offering remote instructional design positions for individuals with experience in designing and developing educational content. These companies offer a variety of projects for instructional designers to work on, from e-learning courses to textbook development. If you have experience in instructional design and are looking for a remote position, these companies are a great place to start.

The Skills Needed To Succeed In Remote Instructional Design

Remote Instructional Design Jobs has become increasingly important in the digital age, with remote work becoming more prevalent. As a result, instructional designers must possess a unique set of skills to succeed in a remote environment. Below are some of the key skills that instructional designers should possess to excel in remote work.

Technical Skills
One of the primary skills required for remote instructional design is technical proficiency. Instructional designers must be familiar with a range of digital tools and software to create and deliver e-learning content. Some of the essential technical skills for remote instructional design include:

  • Proficiency in e-learning authoring tools such as Articulate Storyline or Adobe Captivate
  • Experience with Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Moodle or Blackboard
  • Ability to use video conferencing tools such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams

Communication Skills
Communication is essential for instructional designers to succeed in a remote environment. As a remote instructional designer, you may be working with a team of subject matter experts, project managers, and other stakeholders. You must be able to communicate effectively with all of them. Some of the essential communication skills for remote instructional design include:

  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to collaborate effectively with team members
  • Active listening skills to understand the needs of clients and stakeholders

Project Management Skills
Remote instructional designers must be skilled project managers to ensure that projects are delivered on time and within budget. Some of the essential project management skills for remote instructional design include:

  • Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously
  • Strong organizational skills to keep track of project timelines and deliverables
  • Ability to prioritize tasks and manage deadlines effectively

Adaptability and Flexibility
Remote work can be unpredictable, and instructional designers must be adaptable and flexible to succeed in this environment. Some of the essential skills for remote instructional design include:

  • Ability to work independently and manage your time effectively
  • Willingness to learn new skills and stay up-to-date with industry trends
  • Flexibility to adapt to changing project requirements and client needs


In conclusion, remote instructional design requires a unique set of skills that goes beyond traditional instructional design. Remote Instructional designers must possess technical, communication, project management, and adaptability skills to succeed in a remote environment. By developing these skills, instructional designers can excel in remote work and contribute to the success of their organizations.

The Future Of Remote Instructional Design In A Post-pandemic World

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the way we work and learn, with remote instructional design becoming a necessity for many organizations. As we move towards a post-pandemic world, it’s important to consider the future of remote instructional design and how it will continue to evolve.

Increased Demand for Remote Learning
The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards remote learning, and this trend is likely to continue in the future. As more organizations recognize the benefits of remote learning, there will be an increased demand for instructional designers who can create engaging and effective online courses.

Advancements in Technology
Advancements in technology have already had a significant impact on remote instructional design, and this trend is set to continue. As technology continues to evolve, instructional designers will have access to new tools and resources that will enable them to create even more engaging and effective online courses.

Greater Flexibility for Learners
One of the key benefits of remote instructional design is the flexibility it offers learners. With online courses, learners can study at their own pace and on their own schedule, which is particularly beneficial for those with busy schedules or who live in remote areas.

Challenges of Remote Instructional Design
While remote instructional design offers many benefits, it also comes with its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is ensuring that learners remain engaged and motivated throughout the course. Remote Instructional Design Jobs must find ways to create interactive and engaging courses that keep learners interested.

Remote Instructional Design Best Practices
To overcome the challenges of remote instructional design, it’s important to follow best practices. Here are some tips for creating effective online courses:

  • Start with clear learning objectives
  • Use a variety of multimedia to keep learners engaged
  • Include interactive elements, such as quizzes and games
  • Provide opportunities for learners to collaborate and interact with each other
  • Ensure that the course is accessible to all learners, regardless of their abilities

The Future of Remote Instructional Design
Remote instructional design is here to stay, and it will continue to evolve as technology advances. As we move towards a post-pandemic world, organizations will increasingly recognize the benefits of remote learning, and instructional designers will play a crucial role in creating engaging and effective online courses. By following best practices and staying up-to-date with the latest technology, instructional designers can ensure that their online courses provide learners with a high-quality educational experience.

Advantages Disadvantages
Flexibility for learners Ensuring learners remain engaged and motivated
Access to new tools and resources May require additional training for instructional designers
Cost-effective for organizations May not be suitable for all types of learning


How Remote Instructional Design Differs From Traditional Instructional Design

Remote Instructional Design Jobs is the process of creating learning experiences that enable learners to acquire knowledge and skills effectively. With the advent of technology, remote instructional design has become a popular alternative to traditional instructional design. While both methods aim to create effective learning experiences, they differ in several ways.

Design Process
The design process in remote instructional design differs from traditional instructional design. In traditional instructional design, the design process begins with a needs assessment, followed by the development of learning objectives, content creation, and evaluation. In remote instructional design, the design process begins with the identification of technology tools and platforms that will be used to deliver the learning experience. Then, the design team creates a plan for the content creation and delivery process.

Traditional Instructional Design Remote Instructional Design
Needs assessment Identification of technology tools and platforms
Development of learning objectives Plan for content creation and delivery process
Content creation Content creation
Evaluation Evaluation

Collaboration is an essential component of instructional design. In traditional instructional design, collaboration involves face-to-face meetings and discussions among the design team. In remote instructional design, collaboration takes place through online platforms and tools. The design team may use video conferencing platforms, virtual whiteboards, and other collaboration tools to work together.

  • Traditional instructional design collaboration: face-to-face meetings and discussions
  • Remote instructional design collaboration: online platforms and tools

Delivery Methods
The delivery methods in traditional instructional design are typically classroom-based or instructor-led. In contrast, remote instructional design relies on technology tools and platforms to deliver the learning experience. These tools may include webinars, video tutorials, online courses, and other digital resources.

  • Traditional instructional design delivery methods: classroom-based or instructor-led
  • Remote instructional design delivery methods: technology tools and platforms

Evaluation is an essential part of instructional design. Traditional instructional design uses various evaluation methods, such as surveys, assessments, and focus groups. In remote instructional design, evaluation takes place through online surveys, quizzes, and other digital assessment tools.

  • Traditional instructional design evaluation: surveys, assessments, and focus groups
  • Remote instructional design evaluation: online surveys, quizzes, and digital assessment tools

In conclusion, remote instructional design differs from traditional instructional design in several ways. Remote instructional design involves identifying technology tools and platforms, collaborating through online platforms and tools, delivering the learning experience through technology tools and platforms, and evaluating through digital assessment tools. While both methods aim to create effective learning experiences, remote instructional design leverages technology to enhance the learning experience.

The Challenges Of Working Remotely As An Instructional Designer

Working remotely as an instructional designer presents several challenges that must be addressed to ensure productivity and success. While remote work offers flexibility, it can also be challenging to maintain focus and balance with other responsibilities. Here are some of the challenges that instructional designers face while working remotely:

  • Lack of Direct Communication: Communication is a significant challenge for remote instructional designers. Unlike in-office work, remote work reduces the ability to communicate and collaborate with colleagues. This lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and mistakes.
  • Distractions: Remote instructional designers must deal with distractions that can take away from their productivity. These distractions can include family members, household chores, and other distractions that are not present in the office environment.
  • Isolation: Working remotely can be isolating for instructional designers. Without regular social interaction, it can be challenging to maintain a work-life balance and stay motivated.
  • Technology Challenges: Remote instructional designers must have access to reliable technology to be productive. Technical difficulties can cause delays and frustration, leading to decreased productivity.
  • Time Management: Time management is a crucial challenge for remote instructional designers. Without a set schedule, it can be challenging to stay on task and complete projects on time.
Challenges Solutions
Lack of Direct Communication Use communication tools such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and email to stay connected with colleagues.
Distractions Create a designated workspace and set boundaries with family members and roommates. Use productivity tools such as timers and productivity apps to stay focused.
Isolation Join online communities and attend virtual events to stay connected with colleagues and other professionals in the field.
Technology Challenges Invest in reliable technology and have backup plans in case of technical difficulties. Regularly update software and hardware to ensure smooth operation.
Time Management Create a schedule and stick to it. Use time-tracking apps to monitor progress and set deadlines for each project.

In conclusion, remote work offers flexibility for instructional designers, but it also presents several challenges. To overcome these challenges, instructional designers must have effective communication, create a dedicated workspace, stay connected with colleagues, invest in reliable technology, and manage their time effectively. By addressing these challenges, remote instructional designers can be productive and successful in their work.

Tips For Staying Productive And Motivated As A Remote Instructional Designer

Working remotely as an instructional designer may seem like a dream come true, but it can also present unique challenges. From distractions at home to a lack of face-to-face interaction with colleagues, it can be difficult to stay focused and motivated. However, with a few simple tips, you can maintain productivity and stay on top of your game.

Create a Dedicated Workspace

One of the most important things you can do as a remote instructional designer is to create a dedicated workspace. This could be a spare bedroom, a corner of your living room, or even a cozy nook in your local coffee shop. The key is to find a space where you can focus and be productive. Make sure your workspace is well-lit, comfortable, and free from distractions.

Set Clear Goals and Deadlines

Setting clear goals and deadlines is essential for staying productive as a remote instructional designer. Whether you’re working on a long-term project or a short-term assignment, it’s important to establish clear objectives and timelines. Use a project management tool like Trello or Asana to keep track of your tasks and deadlines.

Take Breaks and Get Outside

Taking breaks is crucial for maintaining productivity and motivation. Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day to stretch your legs, get some fresh air, or simply clear your mind. Consider going for a walk or doing some light exercise to boost your energy and focus.

Stay Connected with Colleagues

Working remotely can be isolating, so it’s important to stay connected with colleagues. Use video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype to schedule regular check-ins with your team. You can also use instant messaging apps like Slack to stay in touch throughout the day.

Stay Organized

Staying organized is key to staying productive as a remote instructional designer. Use a planner or calendar to keep track of your tasks and deadlines. Make sure to prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency. You can also use tools like Evernote or Google Keep to keep track of notes and ideas.

Tips for Staying Productive and Motivated as a Remote Instructional Design Jobs

  • Create a dedicated workspace
  • Set clear goals and deadlines
  • Take breaks and get outside
  • Stay connected with colleagues
  • Stay organized

In conclusion, working remotely as an instructional designer can be challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. By following these tips, you can stay productive and motivated while enjoying the flexibility and freedom of remote work. Remember to create a dedicated workspace, set clear goals and deadlines, take breaks and get outside, stay connected with colleagues, and stay organized. With a little bit of effort and discipline, you can thrive as a remote instructional designer.

Networking Opportunities For Remote Instructional Designers

As a remote instructional designer, it can be challenging to connect with peers and expand your professional network. However, there are several networking opportunities available in the digital world that can help you stay connected and grow your career.

Online Communities

Online communities are a great way to connect with other instructional designers, share ideas, and ask for advice. There are several online communities available, such as LinkedIn groups, Facebook groups, and Twitter chats. Here are some examples of online communities:

Online Communities Description
Instructional Design & E-Learning Professionals’ Group A LinkedIn group with over 100,000 members
Instructional Designers in Higher Education A Facebook group with over 4,000 members
#elearningchat A weekly Twitter chat for e-learning professionals


Virtual Conferences

Virtual conferences are becoming more popular, and they offer remote instructional designers the opportunity to attend professional development events from anywhere in the world. Virtual conferences are typically less expensive than in-person events, which makes them a great option for remote workers. Here are some examples of virtual conferences:

  • Learning Solutions Conference & Expo
  • DevLearn Conference & Expo
  • eLearning Guild Online Forum

Professional Organizations

Joining a professional organization can provide you with access to resources, networking opportunities, and professional development. There are several professional organizations available for instructional designers, such as:

  • Association for Talent Development (ATD)
  • International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
  • Society for Technical Communication (STC)


LinkedIn is a great platform for networking with other professionals in your field. You can join groups, follow thought leaders, and connect with peers. Here are some tips for using LinkedIn:

  • Complete your profile and keep it up to date
  • Join groups and participate in discussions
  • Connect with peers and thought leaders


As a remote instructional designer, it can be challenging to connect with peers and expand your professional network. However, there are several networking opportunities available in the digital world that can help you stay connected and grow your career. Online communities, virtual conferences, professional organizations, and LinkedIn are all great options for remote workers. By taking advantage of these opportunities, you can stay up to date with industry trends, connect with peers, and advance your career.

Salary Expectations For Remote Instructional Design Positions.

The demand for remote instructional design positions has been on the rise in recent years. With the evolution of technology, companies are now able to hire professionals to work remotely, without the need for them to be physically present in the office. This has opened up a world of opportunities for instructional designers, who can now work from anywhere in the world, while still earning a competitive salary.

Factors that Affect Salary Expectations
Several factors can impact the salary expectations for remote instructional design positions, including:

  • Experience: Instructional designers with more experience typically earn higher salaries than those who are just starting out.
  • Education: A higher level of education, such as a Master’s degree, can lead to higher salary expectations.
  • Industry: Salaries can vary depending on the industry in which the instructional designer is working.
  • Location: The cost of living in the location where the instructional designer is based can impact salary expectations.

Salary Ranges
The salary range for remote instructional design positions can vary depending on the factors mentioned above. However, a general range can be provided based on data from various salary tracking websites.

Experience Level Salary Range (Annual)
Entry-Level (0-2 years) $40,000-$60,000
Mid-Level (2-5 years) $60,000-$80,000
Experienced (5+ years) $80,000-$100,000+

In conclusion, remote instructional design positions offer a flexible and rewarding career path for professionals in the field. While salary expectations can vary depending on several factors, instructional designers can expect to earn a competitive salary, especially with the growing demand for remote work opportunities.